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AI Regulation & Responsible Innovation Roundtable
Date: Thursday 28th September 2023, 3:00 – 4:30pm (GMT+1) Time Zone Converter
Location: Online
Free, signup required
Registration link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/ai-regulation-responsible-innovation-roundtable-tickets-680142503537?aff=oddtdtcreator
The Technology, Internet, & Policy Specialist Group invites you to a high-level roundtable bringing together an international panel of experts to discuss comparative AI governance, & regulation across the EU, UK and US. The roundtable will discuss the impact of recent regulation and innovations of AI in the space, with talking points including: data use, cross-border regulation, jurisdiction, sovereignty, and the competing pressures of regulation and innovation.
About the Speakers:
- Helena Quinn – Principal Policy Adviser for AI & Data Science at the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), the UK data protection regulator. She has worked at the intersection of policy and AI in academia, industry, and the public sector for the last eight years. Most notably, Helena was a principal author of the ICO’s guidance, ‘Explaining decisions made with AI’, and has produced a paper on the harms that algorithms can bring about for competition and consumers in her previous role at the UK Competition and Markets Authority. She has also led work on the role algorithm audits can play in the regulation of AI through the Digital Regulation Cooperation Forum, a consortium of UK regulators.
- Jack Stilgoe – Dr Jack Stilgoe is a professor in science and technology studies at University College London, where he researches the governance of emerging technologies. He is principal investigator of the ESRC Driverless Futures project (2019-2021). This project is looking to anticipate the politics of self-driving cars. He worked with EPSRC and ESRC to develop a framework for responsible innovation, which is now being used by the Research Councils. Among other publications, he is the author of ‘Who’s Driving Innovation?’ (2020, Palgrave) and ‘Experiment Earth: Responsible innovation in geoengineering’ (2015, Routledge). He previously worked in science and technology policy at the Royal Society and the think tank Demos. He is a fellow of the Turing Institute. He is part of the UKRI Responsible AI leadership team.
- Giovanni De Gregorio – PLMJ Chair in Law and Technology at Católica Global School of Law and Católica Lisbon School of Law. His research interest deals with constitutional law, human rights, freedom of expression, privacy and data protection law. Giovanni is the author of the monograph ‘Digital Constitutionalism in Europe: Reframing Rights and Powers in the Algorithmic Society’ (Cambridge University Press 2022). His research has been published in edited books and international journals, including the International Journal of Constitutional Law, Global Constitutionalism, Common Market Law Review, Computer Law and Security Review, European Journal of Legal Studies, International Journal of Communication. Prior to joining Católica, Giovanni was a postdoctoral researcher working with the Programme in Comparative Media Law and Policy (PCMLP) at the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, University of Oxford.
- Kai Zenner – Head of Office and Digital Policy Adviser for MEP Axel Voss in the European Parliament. Kai Zenner is a digital enthusiast focusing on Artificial Intelligence, data and the EU’s digital transition. Graduated in politics and law, after specializing in Security Studies and Foreign Policy Analysis as well as in Constitutional and European Law. Studied Political Science (B.A.) at University of Bremen, Law (First German state examination / Dipl.-Jur.) at University of Freiburg / York / Münster, and International Relations (M.Sc.) at University of Edinburgh. He started his professional life as Research Associate at the European Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation in Brussels, before moving to the European Parliament as Head of Office and Digital Policy Adviser for MEP Axel Voss (EPP Group) in mid-2017.
Giulia Gentile – LSE Law School Fellow. Giulia Gentile is Fellow in Law at the LSE Law School. She joined LSE Law School in 2021, having previously worked as Lecturer and Postdoctoral Researcher at Maastricht University and as Visiting Lecturer at King’s College London. She is a co-editor of the first book on the role of non-doctrinal research methods in international legal scholarship (Edward Elgar, 2019), and her research was published, among others, in the European Constitutional Law Review, the German Law Journal, the European Papers and the Review of European Administrative Law.
The event will be online. This is a free event open to all, however registration is required. Please note that the roundtable will be recorded.